Karen E Iverson
Karen Iverson holds a master's in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Northeastern State and a master's in Science and Technology Education from Teachers College Columbia University. Karen currently works as a Licensed Professional Counselor.
Karen has written three books. Her first book series covers the topic of breast cancer and also includes a narrated audiobook. Her second book series is about mental health.

Series 1: Book 1 + Audiobook
Karen's first book: Winning the Breast Cancer Battle - Empowering Warriors and Guiding Loved Ones, is geared towards the loved ones and the breast cancer warrior when she's ready.
This book paints a picture of what
going through breast cancer is like.
It is also applicable to other cancers.
Throughout the book there are 7 tips sections which give tips for the loved ones as well as the breast cancer thriver.
Karen was honored to be presented
the "Difference Maker" Award
for this book at the
Author Advantage Live Conference.
This book and the Audiobook are available on Amazon.

Series 1: Book 2
Karen's second book: Winning the Breast Cancer Battle: Companion Journal -Empowering and Guiding Breast Cancer Warriors, is aimed to assist the individual going through breast cancer. It includes tip sections throughout the book
such as:
Questions to ask your doctors and nutritionist, mandalas to color while you're waiting, a resource list, and a calendar for important dates.
This book is available on Amazon.
Series 2: Book 1
Winning the Mental Health Battle:
from Struggling to Thriving -
7 Tips to Navigate Anxiety, Depression,
and Mania
Release Date on Amazon:
October 2024